80% of your sales come from around 20% of your customers. The Pareto Principle is one that is well known and is applicable to most businesses. It is usually this top 20% of customers – those with the potential to generate the greatest Return on Investment – that a business will typically define as its Key Accounts. As your key accounts are your competitors’ key prospects, you must pay attention to nurturing, growing and retaining these valuable relationships. A skilled Key Account Manager plays one of the most important roles in protecting a business’s prosperity.
Key Account Managers, Sales staff
- Develop and apply a strategic selling approach for winning and developing all your significant accounts
- Analyse the organisational structure and decision-making process within client/prospect organisations
- Understand and influence different personality types in the decision-making unit
- Apply effective key account management models to plan and implement your strategy
- Identify your customers’ true needs and priorities
- Analyse your competitive strength and see yourself through the eyes of your customers
2 days
I. Introduction to Key Account Management
- Why the need for key account management?
- What is meant by key account management?
II. Selecting Key Accounts
- What are Key Accounts?
- Establishing criteria for selecting key accounts
III. Key Account Management Strategy Development
- Needs Assessment
- Skills and Capability Development
- Delivery of Solution
IV. The science of Key Account Management – 4 key elements
- Profitability Management
- Account Relationship Selection
- Product Migration Paths
- Account Planning
V. The Two Main Focus of Key Account Management
VI. 3 Tiers of Noncustomers