To continue excelling in the fast-changing modern world environment, organisations need creativity and breakthrough in their operations and approaches. This workshop is designed to enhance participants’ creativity and innovativeness. Through fun and interactive activities, the programme challenges participants to develop a breakthrough mindset, just like the Wright Brothers, transforming from bicycle mechanics to flight engineers.
All Managers and Staff
- Understanding fundamental creative principles and ‘breakthrough’ thinking techniques
- Applying creative thinking tools to generate breakthrough ideas for higher productivity
- Thinking out of the box and promoting creativity
- Creating a conducive climate to foster creativity in the workplace
2 days
I. Understanding ‘Breakthrough’ Creativity
- Understanding the fundamental principles of creativity and breakthrough techniques
- Overcoming barriers to creativity
II. Generating ‘Breakthrough’ Ideas
- By paraphrasing the issues
- By using reversal order thinking
- By using blue-sky ideas
- By drawing analogies
- By combining different thoughts and ideas
III. Fostering the Culture of Creativity
- Solving problems as a team
- Using team brainstorming
- Taking different perspectives
- Promoting new ideas
IV. Implementing Innovative Solutions for Productivity
- Assessing the breakthrough ideas
- Selecting the optimum solution
- Gaining support from all levels
Conclusion, summary and action plan
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