“Think critically!” is a common exhortation Singaporeans are challenged with. Given the fast pace of change, the quality of our thoughts is vital in addressing complex challenges that change brings about. Consciously thinking about how we think will enable us to rationally solve complex problems and make strategic decisions. This workshop will equip managers with skills for applying critical thinking that will enhance individual and organisational performance.
Managers and Supervisors
- Articulate the practical concept of critical thinking
- Explain the need for critical thinking in the organisation
- Link critical thinking to specific roles and responsibilities
- Identify the impact of bias on Critical Thinking
- Describe the characteristics of Critical Thinkers
- State the main barriers to Critical Thinking
- Explain reflective questioning techniques for Critical Thinking
- Describe how to apply Brookfield’s 5-Phase Critical Thinking Framework
1 day/2 days
I. Critical Thinking – Underpinning Concepts
- Understanding and identifying different modes of thinking
- Paul & Elder’s Practical Meaning of Critical Thinking
- Alignment of Critical Thinking
- The need for Critical Thinking in the context of specific Roles and Responsibilities
II. Human Mind – The Bedrock of Thoughts
- Impact of human bias on Critical Thinking
- The 8-Part Model of Thinking
- Understanding the 3-Function Model of our mind: Thinking, Feeling, Wanting
- Assessing Quality of Thinking – Paul & Elder’s Intellectual Standards
III. Critical Thinking Characteristics
- What is NOT Critical Thinking
- Qualities and Barriers of Critical Thinkers
- Evaluating personal thinking inclination
IV. Critical Thinking – Application Tools and Techniques
- Mindset for taking ownership for solving problems
- Linking the 3-Function Model to specific workplace situations
- Powerful Reflective Questioning to enhance Critical Thinking
- Applying Brookfield’s Critical Thinking Framework
V. Preparatory Actions for Applying Critical Thinking
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