Suitable for all ages, mBlock is a fun and education robot construction kit. With innovative slide-and-snap mechanisms and simplified programming tool, the robot can be easily constructed and operated by beginners and novices to robotics or enthusiasts without prior experience with mBlock. With the provided application programming interface, advanced users are also encouraged to hack and write their own programs, print their own parts and accessories and personalise their robot. Through learning to use mBlock and constructing their very own robots, participants practise team building, creative thinking, collaboration and goal alignment.
All Staff
- Learn to use mBlock
- Learn to construct a robot with mBlock
- Learn to program and enable robot to perform actions and serve different functions
- Think creatively
1 day
I. Learn to use mBlock
II. Construct one’s own robot
- No restrictions to final product
- Let creativity flow: programming robot to perform different actions and serve different functions
III. Write own programs and/or print parts and accessories to personalise robot (for advanced users)