Sales and customer service staff often encounter customers who are upset, frustrated and angry with different situations. These seem to be challenging moments that are tricky to handle. This programme is specially designed to equip customer service and sales staff with the effective skills to manage these challenging moments step-by-step and resolve the disputes involved amicably.
Customer Service Team, Sales staff
- Identify challenging moments and upset customers
- Take immediate action to engage upset customers
- Develop confidence to decide and delight customer confidently
- Manage difficult situations and disputes with customers
- Saying ‘No’ professionally with explanation and empathy
- Manage emotions when meeting aggressive customers
- Identify the issues and context
- Show empathy and sympathy for the situations
- Use of powerful words and phrases to resolve the situation professionally
2 days
I. Engaging Upset Customers Quickly
- Ways to identify upset customers
- Reading their body language
- Identify customer needs
- Decide confidently to delight customers
- Fun Activity: Who is the upset customer?
II. Managing Disputes Confidently
- Listen and understand the concerns
- Analyse the situations
- Offer explanation and rationale
- Say No professionally
- Group Discussion: Resolving the Dispute
III. Managing Aggressive Customers
- Stay calm and professional
- Don’t take things personally
- Do your best to listen
- Use powerful words and phrases to calm the customers down
- Activity (Self-Reflection) & Class Sharing – The Art of Not Being Offended
IV. Managing the Issues and Context
- Show empathy and sympathy
- Apologise gracefully
- Use powerful words and phrases to identify the issue and context
- Buddy Exercise: Why are you angry?
V. Resolving Situations Professionally
- Offer solutions
- Ask for feedback
- Follow-up timely
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